Hourly Comic Day 2024

Hello everyone!Thank you for bearing with me as I work out the kinks and bugs of migrating subscribers and all that. The last couple of years have been a very tumultuous time, both personally and professionally, as I figure out the next steps for my career. There has been (and will continue to be) a lot of experimenting with different ideas and media and I am honoured that you have been with me all this way. I'm moving into a new phase of my career and I foresee a lot of throwing spaghetti at the wall for a while, as I figure out my new workflow, goals, and objectives. The main reason I have moved my comics over here is that even though I don't necessarily love Wordpress/Jetpack as a newsletter client, it is where my site is hosted and I think I've reached a point with this current era of the internet that I want to feel the illusion of control over my own "home" so to speak. I'm loathe to change all this again and absolutely exasperated with the state of things, but it had to be done. I just want to hand out one link to people, and I don't want to worry about that link going bust, being overrun with nazis, or becoming unusable in some way. I suspect there will still be some growing pains here and it isn't perfect, but hopefully this will be a nice enough home for my comics.Anyhow! Here are my…