i put my children on the cover of CRIME Magazine, where they belong!!

This post has images! If they do not show up for you, please click through! I was obscenely tired this weekend and I tried to take a nap but then had to get up mid-relax because I suddenly had this idea and couldn't sleep until it was done and then the kiddo woke up and I had to do chores and have fun visiting my parents and cooking dinner and now it's Monday and I'm still super tired and I still haven't napped and I made myself an iced coffee with almost a quarter cup of instant coffee granules to no avail because caffeine doesn't wake me up and yet I still make the futile effort because at least it clears a bit of the fog. Anyway these are the best things I've drawn all month and so they get their own post. That's all. Have a nice week! I love to share my art and comics, and I'm extremely blessed to be able to do it full-time as a career, in part due to readers like you! If you would like to support my work, please consider subscribing to my Patreon for as little as $1 a month!If you would like to be notified of new posts, please subscribe below!


This post has images! If they do not show up for you, please click through! Over the Christmas break I got to do a little birch forest mural in a friend's kitchen. It's taken me ages to post the photos because the lighting and space made it really hard to get a good picture that properly represents it, but I think I've hit the point where I've decided sharing bad phone pictures that look like they were taken on a little digital camera in 2003 is better than sharing nothing at all. ALSO, I am of the opinion that if I am going to lean into--nay, embrace--the vibes of the days before social media, I might as well go whole hog and do just regular blog posts with photos that look like they were taken on a digital camera in 2003. Anyway, shitty photos aside, I'm really happy with the actual mural, and I think they were too! The definition of "trust the process" Anyway, I have some tiktoks/reels with a few bits of the process, but it was actually a really easy technique. I only had a few colours: a honey-tinted off-white for the background, regular white, black, yellow, red, and a very light blue. -Mix a few leaf colours out of the yellow/red/blue, and paint a bunch of swipes on the wall. Be sparing with the red as it will overwhelm quickly. -Make tree trunk shapes out of painters tape all up the wall, fill with light blue,…

Momix (mom comics)

This post has images! If they do not show up for you, please click through! The kiddo started daycare a little while back and I think this is the first week or so since the end of January that I haven't been suffering from one kind of plague or another. The rest of the house still has a lingering cough but I think we're all finally in an okay mood for the first time in like.. two months. A little song we used to sing on our daily walks to the park. Please don't analyze the notation too closely. I have been reading music for 25 years and I still crumple at the sight of a sixteenth note. It's funny, now that she's in daycare, I keep thinking I'll have time to do stuff but it feels like I have more to do and less time than ever to do it!! I won't lie though, I sure feel more alive doing it now. Does that make me a selfish mom? Probably. Oh well. So be it. Women who are Moms First baffle me. They are too powerful. I have realized I am not capable of being Mom™️. I can do Mom Stuff, but being Mom, identifying as Mom is another thing entirely. How do you do it?? I am in awe of you. Maybe it'll come with time, I don't know. Why didn't anybody warn me that being a parent is endlessly hard and exhausting yet fulfilling in a way…

Do not feed the animals, it can do more harm than good

This post has images! If they do not show up for you, please click through! I was walking past Domino's the other day and saw a decal on the dividers between employees and customers and what in the 2009 moustache-on-finger trying-to-be-quirky-and-relatable corporate bullshit is this lmfao I'm fairly certain that's been a thing in every Domino's store for literally years. Anyway. Brb going to the pizza guy zoo. I love to share my art and comics, and I'm extremely blessed to be able to do it full-time as a career, in part due to readers like you! If you would like to support my work, please consider subscribing to my Patreon for as little as $1 a month!If you would like to be notified of new posts, please subscribe below!