Hourly Comic Day 2024

Hello everyone!

Thank you for bearing with me as I work out the kinks and bugs of migrating subscribers and all that. The last couple of years have been a very tumultuous time, both personally and professionally, as I figure out the next steps for my career. There has been (and will continue to be) a lot of experimenting with different ideas and media and I am honoured that you have been with me all this way. I’m moving into a new phase of my career and I foresee a lot of throwing spaghetti at the wall for a while, as I figure out my new workflow, goals, and objectives.

The main reason I have moved my comics over here is that even though I don’t necessarily love WordPress/Jetpack as a newsletter client, it is where my site is hosted and I think I’ve reached a point with this current era of the internet that I want to feel the illusion of control over my own “home” so to speak. I’m loathe to change all this again and absolutely exasperated with the state of things, but it had to be done. I just want to hand out one link to people, and I don’t want to worry about that link going bust, being overrun with nazis, or becoming unusable in some way.

I suspect there will still be some growing pains here and it isn’t perfect, but hopefully this will be a nice enough home for my comics.

Anyhow! Here are my hourly comics from yesterday! By far my most successful year for hourlies. For one, I remembered the date, and secondly, I didn’t have any immediate deadlines, I was sick so I couldn’t push too hard anyway, and the kiddo was at daycare so I was actually able to work on stuff all day.

Please enjoy if you haven’t seen them already. I’m really into this blue and red/pink colour scheme these days.

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12:30-1:30 AM in a nyquil-addled daze, trying to cuddle the girl back to sleep. me in a rocking chair holding my toddler whose face is mashed into my shoulder. "do you want to lie in bed now?" "no mama" "ok baby"
7:30 AM Preparing the babe's brekkie before she wakes for a *streamlined morning experience* [image: instant oatmeal packet, kettle pouring hot water, and sliced bananas going into a bear-shaped plate] then I pop some dayquil [image: me coughing. words with arrows pointing at me: "sweaty" "hack wheeze phlegm" "yesterday's clothes"]
8 AM [image: toddler with wild long hair yelling KIK and kicking a tiny little cat toy] After breakfast we listen to dua lipa, play with cat toys, and get ready for daycare (she's not sick anymore, just me) [image: toddler posing with her hair in a ponytail wearing cable-knit leggings and a shirt with a fluffy teddy bear face on the front. sparkles around her. TODDLER COUTURE] [image: same toddler now crying with her arms up going MAMA NOOOOO] Drop-off is still kinda rough, but she let go of me on her own today. tiny victory. baby steps. [image: me with mask on, saying "love you". words with arrow pointing at me: "keeping my distance due to my PLAGUE"] I'm getting used to it but it still makes me sad.
9 AM I forgot my tire has a slow leak, so i fill it up at a gas station on my way home. The air is free but there's no gauge. [image: me filling up tire and poking it with my finger. "welp. feels ok?"] Then I go home, throw in a load of laundry, make coffee, and fry a spicy egg on rice. it clears my sinuses for a bit [image: rough drawing of me holding coffee and a pencil saying "i have real work to do i ain't drawing all that". i'm wearing fresh clothes, at least]
10 AM [image: clipping harness onto my lil tabby boy. there is a carabiner on the end of his leash to attach to the rail outside] "does my stinky lil doughboy wanna go outside" [image: me hunched over at my desk sitting cross-legged in an office chair with headphones on. little cloud like a cartoon fight above my monitors with stars coming out says DRAW DRAW DRAW]
11 AM: still hunched, still drawing 12 PM: me, with an exclamation point over my head. "I forgot the laundry!" me again, with two exclamation points and a more ACK look on my face: "I forgot my CAT!"
1 PM: me sitting in absolute silence, looking up from my drawing for a moment. a thought cloud says "I haven't hit play yet today" 2 PM: [image: still drawing, but my little working cloud with stars is falling apart and DRAW is still there but it's lookin pretty scraggy. I am looking a little rough. My handwriting is getting messier.] Back hurts. Listening to Project Hail Mary audiobook. The "cool guy" sarcastic tone is a little grating out loud, might be better on the page, but story is compelling enough to let it slide. I'm flagging a bit.
3 PM Wasn't hungry but made myself eat lunch. the broth felt so good on my insides. drank all of it, then ate some oreos. my body is BEGGIN for quick energy. [image: me, dark circles under my eyes, eating some seafood udon soup and listening to an audiobook. thought bubble: "I like audiobooks but wish i had subtitles"] [image: me again. same position, annoyed look on face. thought bubble: "i'm so fucking stupid"] Coughing up a lot of phlegm today. it's DISCUSTANG but good i guess. have to keep spitting into my napkin.
4 PM? the background is a dark blue. I am standing with a blank look on my face. "I don't know. I think I pet my cat. There is a stack of five single toilet paper squares in front of me. I think I sent an email. The void has consumed me"
5 PM The wee one is starting to reject the high chair, so I decided it was time for a TRANSFORMATION [image: me taking the legs off the high chair, which is tipped on its side] BEHOLD [image: the seat of the high chair is strapped to a regular chair. it's a booster seat now] A big girl chair!
6 PM: the child is vigorously stirring her dinner. bits are flying everywhere. "COOK?" she says. "You cooking your rice instead of eating it?" I say from off-page. "UH HUH!" "okay I'll get the vacuum" 6:45 (bath and bedtime) She is face down on the floor, splayed out, yelling NOOOOOOOO
7 PM panel 1: a TV showing John Oliver on Hot Ones. He is sweating, looking upset, and saying "why am I still eating this?" panel 2: me dumping hot sauce all over my chicken nuggets. off-page the TV is saying "This... is NOT FUN"
8 PM a rough picture of me lookin haggard, holding a mug with a butt on it. "I simply don't want to do any more comics ok bye"

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Allan Lorde

    Congrats on the migration! You’re a real champ for doing as much as you did while being ill.

    1. alexandra.plante

      Thanks Al!! It’s been the kind of ill where I’m too tired to do real work but too well to lie in bed all day. The worst kind!!!

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