This post has images! If they do not show up for you, please click through! I hope you all had a lovely long weekend! Please wish my partner Matt a happy belated birthday, it was on the 31st! He told me that one year when he was a kid his birthday fell on Easter and nobody came to his birthday party and that is one of the saddest things I've ever heard. On that note, let's look at some of the art I made this month! This is all just personal stuff and does not include any commissions, of which there were a fair few. Is this why my back always hurts? Nah, it's way easier to blame it on the kid. She can't read anyway. I've been trying to paint at least one or two acrylic studies a week, but I'll admit I've been pretty busy in the latter half of the month and have been slacking a bit on that front. It's okay, it's all marinating. I don't know what kind of painter I want to be yet, and all my ideas, influences, experiences--they're all composting while I rest or work on other things. Also I have apparently been going through another David Tennant/Doctor Who... thing... I guess, so who has the time when there's fanart to do? (Classic Alex move, really.) Aiming to do at least a couple #PleinAirpril studies, even if I just end up taking my ipad out because real paint feels like too much…