This post has images! If they do not show up for you, please click through! Over the Christmas break I got to do a little birch forest mural in a friend's kitchen. It's taken me ages to post the photos because the lighting and space made it really hard to get a good picture that properly represents it, but I think I've hit the point where I've decided sharing bad phone pictures that look like they were taken on a little digital camera in 2003 is better than sharing nothing at all. ALSO, I am of the opinion that if I am going to lean into--nay, embrace--the vibes of the days before social media, I might as well go whole hog and do just regular blog posts with photos that look like they were taken on a digital camera in 2003. Anyway, shitty photos aside, I'm really happy with the actual mural, and I think they were too! The definition of "trust the process" Anyway, I have some tiktoks/reels with a few bits of the process, but it was actually a really easy technique. I only had a few colours: a honey-tinted off-white for the background, regular white, black, yellow, red, and a very light blue. -Mix a few leaf colours out of the yellow/red/blue, and paint a bunch of swipes on the wall. Be sparing with the red as it will overwhelm quickly. -Make tree trunk shapes out of painters tape all up the wall, fill with light blue,…