i got got

it happened againso i gotta take a short break because i keep trying to work on real work but i don’t remember how to draw anything lmao. we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming here when i’m a little less swamped/i feel like it. cheers, friends!

daily comics

it’s been a busy weekran out of time to do more this week, matt was off work so we spent all week getting chores done and catching up on work and trying to get our backyard in fighting functional shape. also had the babe’s first overnight at my parents and it went well! she was happy to just veg and watch sesame street at home on sunday morning though. it’s been very go go go one bonus drawing on patreon for patrons! thanks as always!

animal sounds

getting her to moo is my favourite hobbyshe also knows how to say fish (fshhhh) and buzz like a bee (just kidding she just spits on me)Bonus panel on Patreon!