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Ahoy hoy! There are some new names on the list this time around; thank you so so so so much for joining my cozy lil blog!! With Meta’s announcement that they’re going to be using images posted on Facebook and Instagram to train their AI model, along with the fact that they don’t show the images I post to anybody anyway, I’m gonna be beating the “please follow my personal website” drum even harder, and I deeply appreciate you. Every new subscriber gets me an inch closer to a self-sustaining and hopefully more reliable home on the internet, and I cannot thank you enough for joining.

OKAY enough sentimental drivel. We’re here for PICTURES OF STUPID BIRDS, I know I know.

As mentioned in my last post a couple of weeks ago, I got myself some inks and watercolours and nibs and paper, and have been trying to stream every Tuesday afternoon/Thursday evening, and I’ve been having a BLAST making something with my bare hands. Still not sold on the schedule–it may change in the future–but so far I’m having a good time with it!

Other than that, I’ve been pretty burned out this month. It’s been a tough one with the kiddo–she’s going through some kind of a growth spurt/realizing she can just not do things for the hell of it so it’s been uh.. fun not sleeping. I had to force myself to take a few days off (which meant just doing strictly necessary/time-sensitive work) but I’m not sure that was enough, so there may be another week off in my very near future. I realized I have fulfilled the ultimate Mom stereotype which is “I no longer know how to relax or take care of myself–I simply do not understand the concept” lolololol oops

Anyway! Between that and it being a bit admin/planning month, I don’t have a TON of new art to share that isn’t from my newfound Founding Fathers pen and inkwell era, but there is SOME. Like this little trip down nostalgia lane. I’ve also made a few of them into stickers…. 🙂

Sent a picture of Benjamo to some friends and they said “does your cat make any other face”

Okay if you’re not on the Dropout/Game Changer train I am here to tell you I love it DEEPLY. This here is a drawing of Sam Reich, the sweetest little goblin imp man on the planet, apparently. What would the show–nay, what would we be without such unbridled glee and mischief??

There are a couple of full episodes of Game Changer on their Youtube channel that you can check out before committing to a full $6 per month for many many shows that are hilarious and perfect to watch before bed or in the background or just as a nice escape from the horrors and tedium of existing as/amongst humanity. Also if we ever get a Taskmaster/Dropout crossover I may die.

I know I’ve shared a lot of these bad boys already in my last post but I’m doing it again because everything else I’ve done has either been client work I can’t share or personal comic work I can’t share yet so it’ll be a sad art roundup indeed if I don’t. A reminder that they are all for sale and lots of them have sold fairly quickly (some of them before I can even put them on my website because they are CLAIMED by someone live while I’m drawing them on stream). Ignore my horrible scans and even worse post-scan adjustments.

Okay finally, check out this glizzy pigeon. I love this fat lil dude.

Okay back to trying to channel some commission sketches through my stupid, stupid hands and tired, tired brain. It’s been an absolute struggle this month, hopefully the rest I forced myself to take will LUBE UP THE OL’ MACHINE. Love you! Bye!

I love to share my art and comics, and I’m extremely blessed to be able to do it full-time as a career, in part due to readers like you! If you would like to support my work, please consider sharing with a friend, nabbing a print, buying me a coffee, or subscribing to my Patreon for as little as $1 a month!

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Laura

    Is roller skating flamingo available as a print or sticker? I’ve been looking but want to make sure I’m not just missing it!

    1. Alex Plante

      Sorry Laura, it sold already!!! I may make it a sticker at some point in the future though!! I will post here about it if/when I do, for sure!

  2. Jebope

    Bless that starry-eyed gull, the gift that keeps on giving.

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