i put my children on the cover of CRIME Magazine, where they belong!!

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I was obscenely tired this weekend and I tried to take a nap but then had to get up mid-relax because I suddenly had this idea and couldn’t sleep until it was done

and then the kiddo woke up and I had to do chores and have fun visiting my parents and cooking dinner and now it’s Monday and I’m still super tired and I still haven’t napped and I made myself an iced coffee with almost a quarter cup of instant coffee granules to no avail because caffeine doesn’t wake me up and yet I still make the futile effort because at least it clears a bit of the fog.

Anyway these are the best things I’ve drawn all month and so they get their own post.

an illustrated parody of TIME magazine cover with a red border and a dark grey background. The word CRIME blazoned across the top in a red serif font. A toddler standing in front of the front steps of a house, one hand on the step and turning back toward the camera with a devilish smile on her face and a sparkle in her eye. She is wearing an orange sweatsuit. Smaller text in white and yellow on the cover reads

EXCUSE ME Where do you think you're going
YOU KNOW you're not supposed to play on the stairs
WHAT IS THAT in your hand? in your mouth?

That’s all. Have a nice week!

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