October Recipe: FRUIT DESSERT

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Happy October pals! After a somewhat blistering September, It is OFFICIALLY fall round these parts, I think, and we’ve literally made this like three times already hahaha. It is so tasty I love it so much..

You can sub in any firm fruit that won’t fall apart in the pan.

Previous 2024 recipes:
April (with a bonus recipe!)


Fruit Dessert is something my partner and I have been making for years. We never came up with a better name for it.

Most food blogs would try to sell it to you as “a healthy alternative dessert” but let’s be honest, it’s a big bowl of pie filling.


2-4 tbsp butter
Half a pear
(a firm variety. A slightly overripe Bartlett will disintegrate.)
Half an apple (something tart)
Frozen peach slices
1/4 cup brown sugar
Frozen berries (some)
Handful of raisins
Squirt of lemon juice
Dash of vanilla or almond extract

You can use any firm or stone fruit. We often use plums when they’re in season! You can also use fresh instead of frozen for the other fruits but I’ve found that frozen peaches and nectarines hold their shape better, and don’t get mushy. You can also use any “pumpkin spice” spices like cloves, allspice, nutmeg, etc.

Make this into actual pie/crumble/cobbler filling by adding a cornstarch slurry at the end (1-2 tsp cornstarch in a little bit of water)


  1. Put a wok or big saucepan on medium heat. Add butter, cinnamon, and the fresh fruit.
  2. Add the sugar, lemon, extract, and frozen fruit. If using almond extract, according to my partner you are legally obligated to smell it and go “oooooh that’s the good stuff.”
  3. Cook until soft.
  4. Serve in a bowl alongside a steaming mug of tea.

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