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Happy August! Sheesh, it’s unreasonably and dangerously hot for this climate for a full month, then we get three days of slightly cooler rainy weather and everyone starts crying about “summer is overrrrr” my dudes it is early August. Plenty of summer to come!!

That said, I cannot deny the air feels different. Less “watermelon at the lake” and more “mowing the lawn to prepare for a month of gardening and yardwork” vibes that the back half of summer tends to bring, so I get it.

Anyhow, my August is a bit of a scramble. I suddenly have a swath of work with late August/September deadlines that all came in at once, plus some trips to visit family, so I’ll probably be a little bit behind on posting for a while. (PS I have 6 hours in a car with a rambunctious toddler coming up next week with very few feasible places to stop–pray for me)

Also, going back to the whole summer thing. How is everyone’s garden doing this year?? Mine has been so WEIRD? Almost no cucumbers or zucchini but I have about 4-5 spaghetti squash growing, and about half my beets didn’t come up beyond like three tiny leaves. I suspect I may have overloaded my garden capacity a bit so that’s probably some of it, but my peas have been good, and my garlic has been great. I had to cut back my nasturtiums because they were taking over, and my herb beds are doing just fine.

My tomato plants, also… are fucking MASSIVE. they’re a veritable jungle, heavily laden with fruit…. that has yet to ripen. I probably have like four dozen green tomatoes just sitting on the vine. Haven’t had a SINGLE red one yet. I foresee a big paper grocery bag full of tomatoes and bananas in my future. What a weird and mildly annoying growing season so far.

Previous 2024 recipes:
April (with a bonus recipe!)

Anyway, this is a quick and easy one. It’s dill-icious (and thankfully, my dill is growing very nicely this year unlike last summer!). It’s specific to Manitoba and it’s kind of shocking to me that it’s not available elsewhere because it’s incredible. It’s most commonly used for chicken fingers but it’s great with anything you’d eat with a sweet dipping sauce. I especially like dipping my fries in it.


Manitoba’s greatest export.


1 part honey
2 parts mayonnaise*
A whole lotta dill (fresh or dried)
A PINCH o’ garlic powder

Note: You will get it right exactly once, and will vow to write down your measurements after dinner. You will not do this, and you will spend the rest of your life chasing the perfect Honey Dill Sauce. This is the way.

*I hate Miracle Whip but one day to appease my partner’s (unreasonable) demands I tried making it with 50/50 mayo/miracle whip and it actually made it SO good. I highly recommend. Some people also use kewpie mayo, or add ground dried mustard. I ALSO saw someone recommend adding sour cream. I cannot vouch, but I also cannot deny that there may be merit to the idea, wild and crazy as it may seem.


  1. Dump it all into a bowl and pray you got the ratios right this time
  2. Mix, and taste. You did not get the ratios right.
  3. Add some more mayo if it is too sweet, or honey if it is not sweet enough. Add some more dill because now it’s off.
  4. Eventually end up with way more than you needed. Them’s the rules.

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